After completing a thorough and ultimately educative course in dental implantology held by the Hellenic section of ITI (International Team for Implantology) in Athens, Dr Vassilis Nikolitsis DMD is now certified in dental implantology. The course included 136 hours of curriculum attendance, from November 2012 to June 2013, on surgical and prosthetic aspects of Implant Dentistry, two case presentations, hands on practices in surgical and prosthetic techniques and a final exam.
“ I would like to thank Dr Nikitas Sykaras DDS PHD Assistant prof. in Athens University of Dentistry Dept of prosthodontics, chairman of the ITI Hellenic section and Dr George Vilos DDS, MSC in maxillofacial Surgery, education delegate, for the inspirational as well as educative guidance and the immense help they provided to me during the curriculum attendance. I would also like to thank Dr Nikos Markou DDS, MSc in Periodontology that gave me the opportunity to attend surgeries in his private office and gain the maximum of his knowledge.”